Area Rugs For Noisy Households

Posted by Payless Rugs on Oct 16th 2023

Area Rugs For Noisy Households

Is your busy home creating too much noise? Area rugs are a simple solution that will make a huge and quieter difference. Not only do they enhance the look of your room while creating dimension and style, but they also offer a functional role, too. In addition to defining a space and adding warmth, they help manage acoustics. 

Area Rugs Instantly Absorb Sound

Think about the last time you were in an empty room, especially with ceramic tiles or hardwood. Remember how the sound from simply talking echoed and seemed to bounce around loudly? An area rug acts like a sponge and absorbs a significant amount of noise. Area rugs, curtains, window treatments, and furniture work together to improve noise levels throughout the room. A great example of this is in an open foyer entryway. A large area rug placed by the front door will not only welcome guests to your home, but it will also instantly absorb sounds of people entering and exiting. 

Area Rugs Soften Everyday Noise

Impact noise or the noise that you hear from people walking, talking, and moving around throughout your entire home is cushioned when area rugs are placed in the rooms. Whether it is the pitter-patter of your toddler�s feet, your teenagers running in and out, the clicking of your pet�s paws, or a loud thump from a dropped object, an area rug will successfully soften all these loud noises. A perfect example is placing an extra-long runner rug for hallway noise, a highly used area in your home. Not only will the area rug soften everyday noise, it will create an easy-to-follow traffic pattern from room to room. 

If you and your family enjoy watching your favorite movie or listening to your music on a high volume, this can disrupt others living in your home. Adding an area rug, especially underneath the furniture and entertainment centers where the noise comes from will help reduce sound vibrations by acting as a sound barrier.

Area Rugs Insulate Outside Noise

Area rugs are ideal for reducing the noise inside your home and act as an insulator for noise happening outside. For example, if you live on a busy street with a steady stream of traffic, next to a construction site, or in a very active neighborhood, area rugs provide an extra layer of sound insulation. They buffer the sound outside and help create a quieter, more peaceful and enjoyable atmosphere inside.

Add Warmth, Style and Absorb Sounds With Payless Rugs

There's something extra special about a beautiful area rug added to any room in your home. They instantly add beauty, sophistication, and dimension while providing a layer of sound protection. At Payless Rugs, we understand that area rugs add warmth, comfort, and style to your personal style and interior design. They also add a priceless layer of peace and quiet. Whether you are looking for a traditional rug or a more modern design, we have the best online selection of area rugs for you. Visit our website today.