Adding Warmth & Comfort With A Shaggy Area Rug

Posted by Payless Rugs on Nov 22nd 2023

Adding shag rugs to a space can create a classic feel while providing warmth and comfort. Having stood the test of time, shaggy area rugs have become a beloved staple in the world of home decor. The soft, plush texture adds elegance to any room while adding warmth and creating a cozy atmosphere. Continue reading to learn more about how you can add warmth and comfort to your space with a shaggy area rug, then start shopping our shag rugs for sale!

Choose the Right Size

Selecting the size for your new shag rug is essential because when creating a cozy atmosphere, a rug that is too big looks overpowering, and one too small does not provide enough cozy comfort. The best way to determine what size rug to purchase is to lay out all your furniture in the room and choose a rug big enough to fit all your furniture on top of it.

Additional tips to help you choose the correct size shag rug include:

  • Consider the layout of your furniture
  • Consider the size of the room
  • Leave plenty of space around the rug�s edges
  • Consider the room�s purpose
  • Play with different sizes and placement

Layer Rugs

Add depth and texture to a room by layering different style rugs with your shag rug. A cozy and inviting look has a flatweave rug or low-pile rug on the floor, topped with a shag rug. Not only is this a welcoming look, but it is also beneficial during colder months. Remember, when layering rugs, choose rugs that complement one another in color, design, and texture.

When layering rugs, check to make sure rugs are correctly aligned and anchored with rug pads to prevent slipping and protect your floors. Choose rugs to layer by experimenting with different textures, styles, and colors.

Play with Color

Like other rugs, shag rugs come in various colors. When looking for a shaggy rug, don�t be afraid to play with color to create the perfect cozy atmosphere. For example, a neutral-colored room will look cozier when a warm-tone rug like beige or brown is added. Or, if you want to make a bold statement, a brightly colored shag rug, such as red or green, can add a pop of color while providing the room with a soft texture for warmth and comfort.

When selecting a rug color, consider how the color will fit with the room�s existing color scheme and decor. Take rug shopping as an opportunity to introduce new colors and textures into a space and tie together different design elements.

Experiment with Texture

Shag rugs have a plush texture, and when introducing a new rug to your room, don�t be afraid to play with texture. Some ways to experiment with texture when adding a new shag rug to a space for added warmth and comfort may include the following:

  • Pair the rug with a chunky knit throw
  • Add faux fur pillows
  • Mix and match textures
  • Mix materials
  • Use texture to create a decor theme

Don�t Forget High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic areas of your home, such as hallways and entryways, are the perfect places to add a shaggy rug to create a warm, welcoming, and cozy atmosphere. Plus, adding these rugs to high-traffic areas provides comfort underfoot, especially when walking barefoot through the home.

Additional benefits to adding shag rugs to high-traffic areas of your home may include the following:

  • Noise reduction
  • Added warmth and coziness
  • Creates a focal point
  • Easy to clean

When shopping for a shaggy rug to add warmth and comfort to your home, shop for easy-to-maintain and washable area rugs. A washable area rug can help make cleaning the rugs and maintaining a comfortable living space easier. When you are ready to shop for a new shag rug, visit Payless Rugs online, where you can shop for many rugs from the comfort of your home.