Frontier Collection by Surya

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If you want a bold statement for your living room, dining room, den or another space in your home, choose a rug from the Surya Frontier Collection. With a variety of geometric patterns composed of vibrant, rich colors, there's no shortage of style in this rug collection. Surya Frontier rugs feature a textural look and high-quality craftsmanship, so you know you're getting a high-quality product that will give your home an instant style upgrade. Plus, these rugs are hand-woven with 100 percent wool, giving them a soft, plush feel that's both cozy and inviting. Surya Frontier rugs are a versatile choice for any homeowner. While they wow your guests, they also make your family feel warm and cozy at home. You'll love that these gorgeous rugs will be the backdrop for some of the big and little moments in life. At Payless Rugs, you'll also be able to snag a great deal on these fabulous area rugs for your home.