Ariana Collection by Sphinx of Oriental Weavers

Love the exotic looks of traditional Persia rugs but hate the sky-high prices? These gorgeous area rugs from the Ariana Collection by Sphinx of Oriental Weavers will give you that ancient, exotic look without going over budget. These rugs have the look and feel of authentic, handmade antique rugs, but you won't have to haggle for a better price or deal with inconvenient repairs. Instead, you'll be getting a million-plus point, machine-made rug that is sure to hold up well over the years. Even active families are no match for the durable polypropylene used to make each Ariana rug. The rugs in the Ariana Collection by Sphinx feature some of the most intricate designs offered by Oriental Weavers. Trust us when we say you'll love looking at these rugs over and over again to find new, elegant details in the design. And because they all utilize earthy, Old World colors, you can use various rugs from this collection throughout your home to tie various spaces together.