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Area Rug Styles
Explore the many area rugs for sale online at Payless Rugs by checking out our Shop for Rugs By Style section. We have a wide selection of rugs to appeal to all tastes. Whether you're decorating your office, rec room, a kid's room or any other living space, we've got a style that will check all of your boxes.

Those looking for textured rugs will find what they're looking for in the Braided Area Rugs and Shag Area Rugs sections. These styles typically offer a high pile and plenty of movement. Braided rugs feature a stiff raised texture, while Shag rugs are soft and lush.

For a trendy option view our Modern Area Rugs, our Flat Weave Rugs and our Transitional Rugs. These styles have a wide variety of fashionable styles and color schemes to choose from. Striped Rugs also offer a clean cut, modern look that will suit fashion-forward themes.

Spaces with casual and fun-inspired themes will benefit from the rugs in the Animal Print section, the Novelty section, the Indoor/Outdoor section and the Kid's section.

Finally, those who gravitate towards a more classic look will not be let down by the flawless designs in the Southwest section, the Solid Color section and the Traditional section.