Athena Collection by Surya

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Shop Athena Area Rugs By Surya At Payless Rugs

The Athena area rug collection by Surya combines classic designs with soft, understated motifs and neutral colors. Some highlights of the Athena collection include modern floral designs or other natural patterns, as well as soft browns and tan area rug colors. The high-traffic area rugs incorporate some of the most trendy colors and designs with tried and true manufacturing techniques to create rugs that look great and are designed to last. Surya Athena rugs are the perfect choice for adding color and style to even the highest traffic areas of your home.

Trendy Area Rugs That Can Withstand High Foot Traffic

The Surya Athena collection is a mix of floral prints and animal prints with a trendy aesthetic that will upgrade any area of your house. These area rugs come in neutral colors that you can easily match and incorporate, and are designed with contemporary patterns that are both eye-catching and soothing for your most important spaces. With so much diversity in the Surya Athena collection, you are sure to find the best possible rug online for your favorite room in the house. Surya Athena area rugs are here to elevate your space and improve your mood.

Surya is one of the largest and most celebrated manufacturers of pillows and rugs in India, and their rugs are high-quality and durable, so you can trust that you'll be able to hold onto your new favorite rug for a very long time. Even if you choose to place your Surya Athena rug in a location with high foot traffic, you can rest assured that it will remain vibrant and comfortable without undue weathering or wear and tear. The Surya Athena collection combines design and craftsmanship to deliver rugs that are both stunning and reliable.

The Surya Athena collection includes a variety of designs, from contemporary animal prints that make innovative use of color and contrast, to almost traditionally designed floral prints with dense and intricate patterning. Whether you are looking for a rug that will capture the attention of your family, friends, and guests, or the perfect Surya Athena area rug to blend into the aesthetic you are creating in a designed space, you'll find what you are looking for in the Surya Athena collection.

You can also find your perfect Surya Athena rug in a variety of colors, from browns and beiges to yellows and greens to blues and grays, you will be able to find a compatible rug no matter what color palette you are looking to match. There is a lot of variation in terms of contrast as well. If you are looking for a single-color pattern, you will find something that blends nicely. If you want a pattern with plenty of contrast to attract attention, you'll find that in this collection as well.

If you are looking to bring more nature into your life, check out these animal print rugs. You can find an excellent Surya Athena rug with an animal print design, but there is so much more out there! If you are looking for more color and boldness within traditional designs, check out a Surya Harput rug. For a different and innovative mix of traditional and contemporary designs with a similar muted color palette, check out the Surya Cesar collection. If you want to leave the world of traditional designs behind entirely and embrace artistically designed area rugs without limits, check out the Surya Kavita collection. If you keep looking, you will find the best area rug online for your home sanctuary space.

Athena by Surya Area Rugs for Sale at Payless Rugs

Payless Rugs carries Surya Athena rugs in a variety of sizes and colors. Whether you're looking for a small statement piece or a large area rug, you'll find the perfect addition to your home's decor at Payless Rugs. Click on the image of the rug you are interested in from the list below to find out more about the rug including information on materials, special features and available sizes. Shop now and save on the best-selling Athena area rug styles.