Alfresco Collection by Surya

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Buy Alfresco by Surya Area Rugs at Payless Rugs

Make your home look stylish inside and out with these incredible area rugs from the Surya Alfresco Collection. Each one is made from 100 percent polypropylene, so they can function as indoor or outdoor rugs. This material is both soft and durable, so you get the best of both worlds: a resilient rug that still feels cozy. Meanwhile, the patterns on these area rugs are super-stylish, so you don't have to sacrifice looks for longevity. The array of geometric patterns and bright, bold colors in this Surya collection makes it a top pick for stylish homeowners.

Alfresco by Surya Area Rugs for Sale at Payless Rugs

Whether you need a comfortable rug for the living room or you want to bring a pop of color to your porch or patio, the Surya Alfresco Collection has the styles you need to bring your home décor dreams to life. These gorgeous rugs make the perfect backdrop to some of your favorite family moments, from cookouts in the backyard to family dinners in the dining room. And because you can order them from Payless Rugs, you'll also get a great deal on these stylish accent pieces.