Riley Collection By Surya

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Buy Riley by Surya Area Rugs at Payless Rugs

The Riley area rug collection by Surya combines classic designs with soft, understated motifs and neutral colors. Some highlights of the Riley collection include modern floral designs or other natural patterns, as well as soft browns and tan area rug colors. The high-traffic area rugs incorporate some of the most trendy colors and designs with tried and true manufacturing techniques to create rugs that look great and are designed to last. Surya Riley rugs are the perfect choice for adding color and style to even the highest traffic areas of your home.

Riley by Surya Area Rugs for Sale at Payless Rugs

Payless Rugs carries Surya Riley rugs in a variety of sizes and colors. Whether you're looking for a small statement piece or a large area rug, you'll find the perfect addition to your home's decor at Payless Rugs. Click on the image of the rug you are interested in from the list below to find out more about the rug including information on materials, special features and available sizes. Shop now and save on the best-selling Riley area rug styles.